How to Add a Date-Time Stamp on Existing Photos?

A Girl taking picture of nature.

Tag everything with your name and the date. That is the first lesson every nursery school student learns in school. When you see something on display in a gallery or museum, the creator and date are usually identified by a label. With books, it's the same. The author's name and publishing date often seem on the first page. Also, there are albums, park statues, Guinness world records have stamps of date, time, and name on it. Among all of this, the Date and time stamp on photography is not an exception. I know that most people believe that the artist's name is the most obvious piece of information while evaluating a photograph. But, in my opinion, the date is more essential than the name. This is true of all art, but notably photography. Each photograph captures a unique moment in time. So, time is also equally weighted as the date I believe. If you are particular like me then you are always going to verify the date and time of when you come across any piece of creative content, but if not then why not just follow a habit of adding date and time on everything. It only benefits either…right? Now the question arises, from now you are gonna do stamping on photos but what about the photos resting in your mobile gallery from years, can you add date and time stamps on existing pictures?

A boy with a cap standing and showing himself through his mobile camera.
Yes, absolutely yes, it is a technology-based era, that’s why we prefer to save photos more in mobile galleries rather than making a hard copy of each photograph. Fair enough, let’s just jump to know about how you can stamp your existing photos. I Suggest a Timesnap Camera application that you can take into consideration, how? Just install it, open the app, click on edit and select any of the existing photos and add a date-time stamp on it and just scroll left and right to see variety in templates. Do you know, what is the plus point, it has extraordinary modern stamp templates which you can add on videos too…WOW. You can also take new photos or record new videos using the app camera just like you use your default mobile camera. The implicit consequence is that things lose their significance as they age. So, make your old photographs young with a Timesnap Camera. Do not toss out the lessons of pre-school. Date and time is the key, just stamp them.

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