
I use the Timesnap Camera App to show my Best Results as a Hairstylist.

  As a hairstylist, I know how much you all are concerned about your hair and it is normal, every customer that comes to me shows interest in my hair products asking whether it has the capability to solve my hair problems or not and I always end up with the similar type of answer  “yes, but it depends on your hair adaptability and also generally it takes time of 6 months to show results”. It is a hairstylist's responsibility to help you look and feel your best! And I believe in serving good quality products and service to my customers as it is my personal concern to stand out on customers’ desires. You can say it is my type of marketing strategy for my business to deliver the best not just to earn money but also to earn trust and faith. Usually, every product doesn’t show results instantly,  results start to see after consistent use of appropriate advisable shampoo, conditioner, hair mask, or hair serum for more than 5 to 6 times. yes, a haircut shows results after a good cut but i

How I Celebrated my Parent's 25th Wedding Anniversary with Timesnap Camera?

  No matter, how old are you, for your parents, you are always gonna remain a kid. By the way, having parents is the biggest of all blessings in the world and the hardest part of growing up is realizing that your parents are growing old. Every year, your parents complete 1 successful year being together and you just don’t have time to wonder how big an achievement it is! You must know, how to make the wedding anniversary day special for your parents, you should be proud of your parents…isn’t it? Your parents deserve a joyous celebration. If you're looking for a unique way to commemorate your parents' wedding anniversary, then perhaps, I can help you with the planning. What I did when I came to know that my parents are completing 25 years of togetherness, first of all, I assured myself by asking my grandparents about it in a shocking tone, “Are you sure it’s their 25th wedding anniversary this year” And my grandfather replied to me in a funny tone, “I am your father’s

How you can make your every Photograph a Perfect Picture using filters

You are beautiful, I know it because your pure soul gives a spark to your face. No makeup product can make you the best version of being beautiful like your purity and simplicity does. Have you ever told yourself that you are beautiful or waiting for someone else to say it to you, Don’t wait!  say it and feel it just like you feel after adding filters in photographs. Filters are the best thing to feel good or bad for yourself, some filters make you more pretty while some make you feel low for your looks. Happening? I know it, that’s why I believe that yes, filters are good until it makes you feel confident for yourself. Have you ever heard about photography apps that just not only focus to filter your photos and rather give additional features to give your photo a date-time stamp…I think stamps can help your filtered photo look perfect! No, I am not against filters, feeling is everything and if photo filters make you feel great about yourself then, why not to use them, Let the Timesnap

Just Capture your Beautiful Self in a Photo by Timesnap Camera.

Do you ever capture photos just for yourself with no purpose of posting them on any social media platforms to show others, it is even possible to do so until a photo of yourself is ugly?  You are beautiful in the way you are, but you don’t believe it just because you see thousands of people who post filtered photographs on social media to let you know about his/her beauty but do you really care about them? No, right! You care about your beauty, you care about other perceptions on your beauty. You must be concerned about words you are using to describe yourself, try sometimes to take photos or videos of yourself just for yourself without adding filters, and look at it with love every time you see it. When you do it, you will notice certain timely changes in you. Take a photo, save it with a Date and time stamp using the Timesnap Camera app to realize how much beautiful you are now compared to past photos. Make yourself a beautiful self with normal, unfiltered, simple, casual photos and

Have you Grown Tired of the Same Old Date and Time Stamp Templates?

  Gift your photographs new stamps using a new stamping app or just revert back to your existing one if it does not improve your photo stamping journey. There are more than 3 million apps present in the google play store, among which there may be thousands of photography apps from which hundreds of photograph stamping apps are there. But not each one deserves your effort to install it. More among Photograph stamping apps provide a single or similar type of stamps, which is boring to use every time. What do you think what basic stamps your photos ask for? Date and Time stamp right? Others are necessary like GPS Stamps etc but not every time. You can come out of these boredom stamps by replacing them with new, well-designed, creative stickers and templates for free by just installing the Timesnap Camera app on your mobile.  Do you ever think why all these stamping apps grab people’s attention? Why date and time stamps are given so much importance? Why do people like to have at least one